About Calia

Calia by Carrie Underwood, one of the Dick's Sporting Goods' private label brands. Calia's concept is to encourage and empower women to adopt a daily active lifestyle. Website: https://www.caliastudio.com/ Revenue: $5M+, Employees: 30, target market: Young women (millennials and Gen Z) embracing an active lifestyle

Business opportunity

  • Calia By Carrie Underwood, one of the private label brands under Dick’s Sporting Goods (DSG), does their business online only using their e-commerce site hosted by 3rd party.

  • DSG is looking ways to improve online sales and also take advantage of its own infrastructure to host Calia site.

  • As “Buy Online and Pickup In Store (BOPIS)” is gaining popularity, DSG decided to implement BOPIS on Calia site using DSG’s infrastructure.

  • Team’s goal is to redesign Calia shopping bag to include BOPIS using DSG stores.

  • The proposed solution must ensure customers are buying online at Calia site, but they have an option to pickup in any DSG store nearby.

Business Impact – Key Success Metrics

  • Increased Calia and DSG Brand Awareness and Reach

  • Increased BOPIS Sales

  • Attract and retain customers into DSG stores

  • Improved customer satisfaction


UX Goals

  • Provide customers immersive experience to buy products online and have the option to pick them up in DSG stores near by or get them shipped

  • Key target market for Calia is young women embracing an active lifestyle. Site must provide rich shopping experience for this target market

  • Calia's website should be responsive to mobile devices as majority of young women (millennials and Gen Z) use smartphones to shop

My Role

  • UX Research: Industry best practices on BOPIS

  • UX Design: Hi-fidelity wireframes, collaborate with frontend developers


  • Product manager

  • Senior UX designer

  • Front end developers

Key Deliverables

  • Industry best practices research on use of BOPIS by private label brands

  • Brainstorm with Purchase Teams on BOPIS messaging ideas for Calia

  • Design hi-fidelity shopping bag wireframes for desktop and mobile

Tools Used

  • Figma

  • Miro

Industry Best Practices on Private Labels using BOPIS


Selected Gap and Kohl's as the targets for our research. Gap's private labels use Gap's BOPIS infrastructure. Kohl's private label Vera Wang uses Kohl's infrastructure.

Competitor Analysis

  • Two options are used based on company's product and marketing strategy

  1. Make private labels visible and integrate them as part of the main brand. Gap used this approach

    • Pros: seamless user experience as shopping cart is shared across all brands, cross selling opportunities, leveraging e-commerce infrastructure

    • Cons: Brand identity/dilution. Pairing luxury brand with value brand may be risky, may impact sales

  2. Let private label maintain its own identity and integrate only select components such as BOPIS. Kohl's use this

    • Pros: Private label maintains its own identity

    • Cons: High complexity in integrating shopping cart page if two sites use different styles. User confusion, need more education, clarity, and support

  • Gap used one e-commerce platform for all of its private labels. Design complexity is low to introduce BOPIS

  • Vera Wang site uses Kohl's shopping cart only for Simply Vera. It is pretty much hidden and user may not find it

Gap Family Brands

Gap family brands is located in the upper header menu. It provides a list of brands owned by Gap which are Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Athleta

Gap's Private Label Brands are integrated into the Gap site.

Gap has a shared cart.

Gap's Shared Cart across its private label brands.

Vera Wang

Vera Wang is the luxury brand. It does not mention Kohl's on their site. User need to navigate to Simply Vera Vera Wang page then click on "Shop the Simply Vera - Vera Wang collection." This directs you towards Kohl's website.

Simply Vera Vera Wang Collection does not mention Kohl's on their site
Simply Vera Vera Wang Collection on Kohl's Website

After clicking on Shop The Simply Vera Vera Wang Collection, it directs customers towards Kohl's website.


  • Presented the analysis to product marketing and purchasing teams.

    • Decision is to maintain Calia identity, but inform customers the option to pick up at DSG stores using DSG shopping cart page

  • Redesign Calia shopping bag page to integrate DSG's pickup in store components

  • Customer can select from one of the two options: Ship to me or pickup in store

  • Educate the shoppers on BOPIS, advantages, process, and FAQ

  • Curbside pickup option is available during COVID-19 pandemic

UX Design

  • Presented the recommendations to the purchase team. Worked with product manager on exact marketing message and the positioning Developed Hi-Fidelity wireframes as shown below

  • Worked with UI designer and frontend developers on the implementation

Hi-Fidelity Wireframes

Created on Figma

The shopping bag design takes advantage of DSG's Cart page. Placement of Dick's logo is intend to inform customers on where they are picking up the Calia products.

Created on Figma

The current new design makes it easier for customers to see the location of pickup and ship to me options.


  • Based on the private label brand research, it was highly recommended to provide the DSG logo next to store pickup and curbside pickup to inform the customers on where they would receive their products.

  • Collaborated with developers to ensure the Calia Shopping bag design was following the DSG infrastructure and Calia design system

  • Team deployed "Buy Online and Pickup in Store" within a week

Key Learnings

  • Brand management is critical for private labels, web presence and style layouts decisions needs to be made carefully. Marketing, product management, and UX design should collaborate to come with the right solution

  • Leveraging the existing e-commerce and local stores provide better competitive advantage for businesses thru "Buy Online and Pickup in Store"

  • Great learning experience in redesigning Calia shopping bag using DSG shopping cart page components