Smart Kitchen

About Smart Kitchen

A client from the home industry approached me for the Smart Kitchen app. They want to see a way to provide kitchen safety to reduce the amount disasters occurring, even if it results in starting a fire.

Business Opportunity

There was a rise on digital innovation within the kitchen safety area. According to San Jose news, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and fire-related injuries in the home. There should be a way to inform or alert the users on kitchen safety.

Potential Business Impact

UX Goal

My Role


Key Deliverables

Tools Used

Kitchen Safety Research


Explored through various causes behind the kitchen fires. Analyzed the types of kitchen appliances that ignite a fire. 

Fire Safety in Kitchen Video

Fire Kitchen Safety Video Analysis

Stat Analysis

Kitchen Appliance Information

Key Target User


UX Design



Here is the chart on the stats of Home Cooking Equipment Fires from the National Fire Protection Association. The highest amount of cooking fires occur when people don't pay attention to the appliances or equipment. It is where a solution needs development in preventing future kitchen fires.

Home cooking equipment fires that contribute to ignition: 2010-2014

33% of the fires are ignited from kitchen appliances that are unattended 

Kitchen Appliance Info

Stove and the Oven

People put an oversized pot on the burner, which can fall and spill hot boiling water on them. It leads to severe burns on their skin. There is an overflowing amount of food in the pot. It can spill over the burners, which could eventually start a fire. Avoid wearing loose clothing while cooking. It brings fire to it. There is a large amount of debris in the burners. Sometimes, people forget to turn off the burners and the oven. It starts a fire. Unusual gas smells can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.


It is possible people can put the wrong detergent in the dishwasher that can cause leaks around the kitchen, which would eventually start a kitchen fire. People can overload the dishwasher, which could ruin the motor function that can cause a fire. Forgetting to clean the debris over time can even start a fire.

Toaster Ovens and Toaster

Toaster Ovens are one of the top 5 leading causes of kitchen fires. The causes are due to faulty wiring. Toaster ovens located under a kitchen cabinet are the worst area due to steam causing burns on them. People forget to unplug the toaster oven. They can forget to remove the toaster oven and toaster plugs. Some people add butter to the bread before toasting is another danger for a fire to start.


People heat wrong things or flammable material in a microwave, such as articles, metals, plastics, Styrofoam boxes, etc. People are unaware of closing the microwave door. They may not remove lids or plastics from containers when heating food. They also forget to clean the microwave over time and unplug it.

User Persona

According to the target market research, I designed the persona on Sketch that best presents a use case story of a busy working mom. The fictional character Ariel faces a tough time balancing her kitchen management and her busy life with a family and her career. It was an opportunity to develop the kitchen safety app. 

User Persona

Created on Sketch

Customer Journey Map

As for the customer journey map, I designed the customer journey map on a sketch that best presents the highlights and pain points on what Ariel went through in managing her kitchen.

Customer Journey Map

Created on Sketch

Key Pain Points

Key Opportunities



I designed the low-fidelity app through Adobe Photoshop and in Apple Keynote. I used the new opportunities from the research to create the features in the Smart Kitchen app. The menu of the app showcases the Kitchen Appliances, Kitchen Safety Information, and Strategies for Cleaning. The Kitchen Appliances' menu lists the most common appliances used in a kitchen. 

Login Screen


Main Menu

Home menu

Kitchen Appliances

kitchen menu

High-Fidelity Prototype

After a series of iterations, I created the high-fidelity app of Smart Kitchen on Adobe XD. Here is a YouTube video presenting the interactions of the app. 

Learning Outcomes