About Golf Galaxy
Golf Galaxy, one of the Dick's Sporting Goods' private label brands, sells high quality golf equipment, apparel, and provides a virtual reality golfing experience.
Website: https://www.golfgalaxy.com/ Revenue: $245M+, Employees: 1080 target market: Golf equipment and apparel
Business opportunity
As “Buy Online and Pickup In Store (BOPIS)” is gaining popularity, DSG decided to implement BOPIS on Golf Galaxy site using DSG’s infrastructure. Team’s goal is to redesign Golf Galaxy shopping cart to include BOPIS using DSG stores. The proposed solution must ensure customers are buying online at Golf Galaxy site, but they have an option to pickup in any DSG store nearby.
Business Impact – Key Success Metrics
Increased Golf Galaxy and DSG Brand Awareness and Reach
Increased BOPIS Sales
Attract and retain customers into DSG stores
Improved customer satisfaction
Check out DSG commercial on BOPIS below
UX Goals
Redesign Golf Galaxy shopping cart pages to add the BOPIS feature to buy products at Golf Galaxy and have the option to pick them up in DSG stores
Deliver hi-fidelity wireframes for cart, store selection, checkout, and payment pages
My Role
UX Design: Hi-fidelity wireframes, collaborate with frontend developers, Code inspection of HTML/CSS
Product manager
Senior UX designer
Front end developers
Key Deliverables
Hi-Fidelity Wireframes
Tools Used
Design Strategy
Design the user experience throughout the upper purchase funnel. It involves designing the wireframes for cart, store selection, checkout, and payments pages. Due to short time frame, I needed to do code inspection in developing the wireframes.
Hi-Fidelity Wireframes
Cart Page
The DSG logo was placed next to curbside pickup to inform customers on where they would go to pick up their products.
Select Store
Checkout page
The pickup information was located between item details and the email notification that would help notify the customer on where it needs to go for pick up.
Key Learnings
Learned about extending DSG cart page to accommodate their private label brands
HTML/CSS Code inspection was utilized for designing the Golf Galaxy wireframes and communicating with the developers on specific visual components that need to follow the design system, such as the DSG logo
Collaboration with the front-end developers to ensure visual components are represented accurately