Curbside Pickup

Business Challenge & Opportunity

COVID 19 lockdowns forced DSG to shutdown 800+ retail stores. Contactless curbside pickup has become business critical and needs to be implemented as the top priority. Shoppers can buy online and pick them up at the curbside contactless

Key Result

  • Team deployed Contactless Curbside Pickup within 48 hours

  • Contactless Curbside Pickup explained in the video below

Business Impact: DSG achieved

  • 3x increase in curbside sales

  • 135% increase in e-commerce sales

  • 10% increase in Customer Satisfaction, largest ever


  • Dick's CEO interview on CNBC (see below)

UX Goal

Ensure a safe online shopping experience with contactless curbside pickup for customers and team members safety

My Role

  • UX Research : Curbside pick up best practices research

  • UX Design: Wireframes, Customer Journey, Interaction Design, Prototyping. Collaboration with Developers


  • Senior Product manager

  • Senior UX Designer in Purchasing, UI Designer

  • Front end developers

Key Deliverables

  • Industry Best Practices research on Curb Side Pickup

  • User testing to gain customer insights and experience

  • Brainstorm with product team on messaging and placement

  • Screen prototyping, Interaction design

  • Collaborate with developers

Tools Used

  • Figma

  • Miro

Contactless Curbside Pickup improved sales and customer satisfaction

Industry best practices Research


We selected Lululemon and Olive Garden as the targets for our research. User interviews or surveys are not conducted due to very short project deadline

Business Analysis

  • User can view COVID-19 policy on every page on the site

  • Product detail pages show contactless pickup as an option

  • Restaurants asks user for pickup date and time as it is food related

  • Used illustrative examples on how contactless curbside pickup works

Lululemon Homepage on COVID-19

Lululemon Homepage

Provides the COVID-19 FAQ on every page

Lululemon Product Detail Page on COVID-19

Lululemon Product Detail Page

Product Detail Page provides an option for Contact-Free pickup

Olive Garden Pickup Image COVID-19

Olive Garden Pickup

Makes the user schedule the pickup time before the order entry

Olive Garden Cart on COVID-19

Olive Garden Cart

Cart preview before checkout.

Recommendations from the Analysis

  • COVID-19 policy should be listed on throughout the shopper's journey

  • Contactless curbside pickup process should be presented with clear examples throughout the shopper's journey (see the video above)

  • Pickup in store details should include contactless curbside is available

  • Customer can select from one of the two options: Ship to me or Free curbside Pickup

UX Design

  • Presented the recommendations to the purchase team

  • Decided on utilizing COVID-19 message throughout the shopper's journey

  • Provide curbside pickup option throughout the purchase journey which is a similar concept to Lululemon

  • Worked with product manager on exact marketing message and the positioning

  • Developed Hi-Fidelity wireframes as shown below

  • Worked with a senior UI designer and frontend developers on the implementation

Curbside Pickup Design - Hi-Fidelity wireframe

Curbside Pickup Design

Created on Figma

COVID message "Our stores are temporarily closed, but we are offering CURBSIDE CONTACTLESS PICKUP at select locations" during the lockdown period

Curbside Pickup is still an attractive option for customers after stores are reopened

Curbside Pickup Design Today

Created on Figma

DSG decided to keep the curbside pickup option along with pickup in store as customers are trending to use it

Key Learnings:

  • COVID-19 forced business to prioritize customer and team member safety

  • Team responded quickly and deployed contactless curbside option within 48 hours

  • Contactless curbside pickup positively influenced customers to shop at DSG

  • Customer satisfaction is up by 10%, largest ever