Smart Hotel

About Smart Hotel

A client from the hospitality industry was looking into designing an app idea for Smart Hotel. It would like to see convenient services on the Smart Hotel app. It would also like to see the research on the target market on who would benefit using the Smart Hotel app.

Business Opportunity

There has been a strong demand on digital innovation around travel industry. More and more millennial travelers are relying on mobile devices to make decisions in regards to booking and exploring various accommodation services within hotel, airline, cruise, and etc. The hotel industry wants to explore the digital innovation with room services. The best start would be through the mobile devices.

Potential Business Impact

UX Goals

My Role


Key Deliverables

Tools Used



Due to the short project timeline, the research focused primarily on the target market and the competitor research 

Target Market Analysis

Competitor Analysis

UX Design


Key Target Market

The key target market are business travelers who make the biggest profit for the hotel industry. Here are the charts shown below that support the claim.

Internet Access Graph

Internet access

Business Travelers and International Jet Setter are the highest users of Internet Access

Mobile Device Graph

mobile devices

Business Travelers and Family Vacationers use mobile devices the most.

Characteristics of Each Target Market

Description of Each Target Market

Created on PowerPoint

The main target market characteristics being used for the Smart Hotel app design would be the business travelers who are loyal to hotels.

Competitor Research

Based on the competitor analysis, Smart Hotel will take in opportunities on digital innovation through mobile devices and rooms that can strengthen the customer loyalty and attract more business travelers.

Hilton SWOT


Hyatt SWOT




Marriott SWOT



Based on the target market information, I brainstormed ideas on a typical business travelers’ needs and wants

Characteristics of a Business Traveler

Created on PowerPoint

Business Traveler Persona

The user persona highlights the story behind Lincoln who is a business traveler that would need the Smart Hotel app for getting convenient hotel services and amenities. Lincoln is hoping to have a stress-free experience at the hotel after an exhausting day of work and travel.

Business Traveler Persona

Created on UXPressia

Customer Journey Map

The customer journey map highlights the current experiences Lincoln has been facing while staying in the hotel. This would indicate the pain points and opportunities to look for when creating the smart hotel app aimed towards a business traveler. The key items for the Business Traveler are having convenient room amenities, booking meeting rooms, and much more.  

Customer Journey Map

Created on UXPressia


App Inspiration

Based on the competitor analysis, I explored into Marriott’s app innovation on room booking and services. It inspired me for convenient messaging for repair services, showcasing room status, and accessible bath amenities. There could be new opportunities included for creating a Smart Hotel app.

Room Preview

Room Ready

Notify customers room is ready.

Bath Amenities

Request Amenities

Selecting bath amenities.

Messaging Amenities or Help


Customers can message the receptionists for services

Low-Fidelity Screens

The low-fidelity wireframes showcase the services a business traveler can use while staying at a hotel. This is based on the research of a business traveler.

Main Menu

Main Menu

The home screen provides ticker designs to showcase up-to-date information in regards to loyalty points and the stock market.

Investment Ticker

Investment ticker

The user can also be informed on the stock performance.

Private Office

Private office

Book major event rooms within the hotel

Exec Lounge

Exec Lounge

Business travelers can book private happy hours with a group of people and order food.

Nearby Restaurants

Nearby restaurants

There is a list of nearby restaurants that the business traveler can attend to on an urgent basis 



There are options for utilizing the workout videos in the hotel rooms. If they have time, they can book a video time with a personal trainer or schedule a time in the fitness center at the hotel.

Digital Prototype

After several iterations, I provided the final updates for creating the digital prototype.

Learning Outcomes