ModCloth Case Study

About ModCloth

ModCloth, an indie brand, champions a vintage, feminine, and fun fashion. Its mission is to empower and uplift women through their brand values


Assess ModCloth website for any accessibility violations and provide recommendations

Accessibility UX Goals

• Identify the areas of the ModCloth website that are not compliant with accessibility guidelines

• Understand the type of barriers and pain points those users with disabilities face online shopping

• Prioritizing the critical barriers by discovering the critical ones that need to be fixed

My Role

  • Accessibility Specialist


  • Automated code inspection to ID accessibility violations

  • Experience walk throughs to identify the pain points

  • Synthesize the findings


  • Solo

Key Deliverables

  • Accessibility assessment report

  • Recommendations


  • Sort Site

  • Google Lighthouse

Executive Summary

Results Summary

I selected the ModCloth website to conduct a comprehensive accessibility assessment. The primary focus is to identify any items that are not in compliance with the web accessibility standards.


Automatic and Manual Code Results:

  • Screen readers were not able to capture specific rows of clothing

  • Category menu does not provide up and down navigation

  • Alt text name is missing for few images

  • Email form needs proper Alt text names

Experience Walkthroughs:

  • Homepage is missing proper keyboard navigation and alt-text for images necessary for the screen readers

Search Results

Automatic and Manual Code Results:

  • Color contrast on the search results. There is not supposed to be a link on search results because it violates accessibility guidelines for color blindness

Experience Walkthrough:

  • light grey text color for search results on top of white background

Product Page

Automatic and Manual Code Results

  • No alt text around the product images

  • Font size needs to increase a little more for the magnifier

Experience Walkthrough

  • Keyboard navigation does not go through the sizes selection

  • Does not go through the Save Wishlist

  • Color contrast needs to occur with the zoom magnifier for it to be legible

Summary Recommendations

  • Provide adaptable formats for assistive technologies

  • Bypass the extra content needed to navigate with a keyboard such as the category menu

  • Review the tab order of the homepage and product page

  • Determine proper alt-text names for each product image and cover image

  • Provide clear color contrast for content on background frames

Accessibility Evaluation Process

Google Lighthouse

  • Showcase the accessibility status on ModCloth

  • Identify the specific types of overall violations that need to be fixed

Sort Site

  • Processed the ModCloth website through SortSite for automated code inspection

  • Analyzed the violations that do not conform to the Accessibility Guidelines in the 508 standards

Manual Code Inspection

  • Conducted manual code inspection through inspect element codes within Google and Safari browsers for ModCloth

  • This was to pinpoint any specific barriers to screen readers and keyboard navigation

Experience Walkthrough

  • Created experience walk-throughs to discover the specific pain points those users with disabilities face through the online shopping journey

  • Determine which areas of the website are not accessible with the assistive technologies

Pages in ModCloth Website Analysis

  • Homepage

  • Search

  • Product Detail Page


Google LightHouse

Accessibility Performance

ModCloth currently stands in 66% of Accessibility. The crucial areas of the ModCloth website that need improvement are:

  • Names and Labels

  • Color Contrast

  • ARIA

  • Navigation

Sort Site and Manual Code Inspection

Sort Site Website


  • Provide images with an alt attribute to help screen readers voice the name of the image

  • Users want to remove distractions while reading with assistive technologies that have no option to turn off style sheets

  • Images need specific alt-text for screen readers but instead it reads the whole URL

  • The email does not provide clear instructions on how to fill up the form which is due to the field set elements are not labeled properly

  • Keyboard navigation is not showcasing the focus indicators that inform the users on where they are on the homepage

Search Results

  • Removing the underline links that make it difficult for color-blind users to see the search results

Product Page

  • Alt-text must be provided with the images for the screen reader

  • Keyboard navigation skips crucial content such as the size options due to field set elements not being labeled properly

Experience Walkthroughs


ModCloth HomePage Results
  • The icons that were next to sign-in on the homepage in number 1 were not announced from the screen readers within all browsers

  • There were no proper alt text names involved within the images and buttons which, should have been accessible for screen readers

  • There was a navigation issue on the header menu in number 2

  • Users do not have the capability to skip content before going to the main body of the homepage

  • When using keyboard navigation, the user must have to go through the category menu before getting to the main content that can increase user frustration

Search Results

Search results
  • There were color contrast issues around the search results in number 1

  • When users magnify the screen, they would want a darker color contrast for seeing the search results

Product Page

Product page results
  • Product images in number 1 were not announced by screen readers due to no alt text

  • There should be a logical tab order for keyboard navigation. It should not bypass the size selection in number 2

  • Size is required for making the product selection and is necessary before adding the item to the shopping cart

  • The product detail section needs a color contrast for users to be able to see it better in number 3

Key Learnings

  • Gained experience using sort site for doing automatic code inspection

  • Used my HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript skills to perform a manual code inspection

  • The experience walkthroughs provided a clear picture of the obstacles people with disabilities population face while doing online shopping